Past Recordings

IoT Goes Sky: Non-terrestrial Connectivity for the Internet of Things Via Satellites and Unmanned Aerial Systems

Seminar | IoT Goes Sky:
Non-terrestrial Connectivity for the Internet of Things Via Satellites and Unmanned Aerial Systems


WIoT Invited Speaker: Konstantin Mikhaylov Vizzielo
Assistant Professor at the Centre for Wireless Communications and 6G Flagship University of Oulu.

A New Frontier for Wireless Networks: Intra-body Communication and Sensing for Biomedical Applications

A New Frontier for Wireless Networks: Intra-body Communication and Sensing for Biomedical Applications


WIoT Invited Speaker: Anna Vizzielo
Assistant Professor at the University of Pavia, Italy.

Communication and Sensing: From Compressed Sampling to Model-based Deep Learning

Communication and Sensing: From Compressed Sampling to Model-based Deep Learning


WIoT Invited Speaker: Yonina Eldar
Professor at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Statistically Reliable Millimeter Wave Wireless Channel Modeling for Frequencies up to 170 GHz

Statistically Reliable Millimeter Wave Wireless Channel Modeling for Frequencies up to 170 GHz


WIoT Invited Speaker: Mauricio Rodriguez
Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

Seminar To The Moon and Beyond

To the Moon and Beyond


WIoT Invited Speaker: Marc Sanchez N
Telecommunications Engineer from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Seminar: When communications meet computing

When Communications Meet Computing


WIoT Invited Speaker: Luca Valcarenghi
Associate Professor Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Sionna: An Open Source Library For Accelerated 6G Physical Layer Research


WIoT Invited Speaker: Jakob Hoydis
Principal Research Scientist, NVIDIA

Everything You Need To Know About Deep Tech Spinouts


WIoT Invited Speaker: Ted Werth
Executive in Residence, WIoT

Funding Commercialization


WIoT Invited Speaker: Stacy Swider
VP – Investment, Mass Ventures & Ted Werth – Executive in Residence, WIoT

The Potential of Non-Terrestrial Networks for 6G


WIoT Invited Speaker: Michele Zorzi
Professor of Telecommunications at the School of Engineering of the University of Padova, Italy.

Resilient and Secure Distributed Computing and Learning via Coded Computing


WIoT Invited Speaker: Viveck Cadambe
Associate Professor, EE Department, Pennsylvania State University

Phase-Noise Theory and Measurement


WIoT Invited Speaker: Joanne Mistler
RFMW Solutions Engineer at Keysight Technologies

Open 5G Forum Keynote


WIoT Invited Speaker: Oguz Sunay
Vice President for Research & Development, ONF

A Tutorial on O-RAN and Open RAN


WIoT Invited Speaker: Rajarajan Sivaraj
Director for RIC architecture and O-RAN standards, Mavenir

srsRan Talk


WIoT Invited Speaker: Paul Sutton
Founder, Software Radio Systems & Andre Puschmann – VP of Engineering, Software Radio Systems

srsRan Tutorial with Colosseum


The Northeastern WIoT Team

Open RAN in Colosseum


The Northeastern WIoT Team

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